

" الكلمة للشباب "مسابقة شعرية

  • " الكلمة للشباب "مسابقة شعرية
    فى اطار المشروع الادبى "الكلمة للشباب" تحت رعاية المفوضية الاوروبية وبالتعاون مع ملتقى الشعراء المصريين، يصدر المعهد الثقافى الايطالى المسابقة الاولى للشعراء المصريين والعرب.
    شروط المسابقة
    الا يتخطى سن المتسابق خمسة وعشرون عاما فى تاريخ الاعلان عن المسابقة .
    ترسل القصيدة من نسخة واحد على الا تزيد عن عشرين بيتا باللغة العربية واذا امكن مع ترجمة باللغة الانجليزية.

    ستقوم لجنة تحكيم دولية بأختيار ثلاثين شاعرا للحضور ورش عمل فى واحدة من مدن القاهرة، و الاسكندرية والاقصر.
    يتعين على المتسابق ملء استمارة المسابقة مع تقديم تعهد كتابي بخط يده، يقر فيه بعدم نشر العمل المرفق أو أسبقية فوزه بإحدى الجوائز. سيتلقى المتسابق فى حالة الفوز مبلغ مالى لتغطية نفقات الاشتراك فى ورش العمل.
    يشارك الشعراء الفائزون بمهرجان المشروع الشعري " كلام للشباب" وسيتم نشر الاعمال الفائزة فى مجموعة شعرية متعددة اللغات فى نهاية المشروع.
    ترسل القصائد المشاركة على العنوان الاتى workshop@kalamproject.org

    فى موعد اقصاه الساعة الرابعة عصر فى 31 مايو ٢٠١٣

    CALL FOR PARTECIPATION: http://www.iiccairo.esteri.it/NR/rdonlyres/3BB80B8F-BC1F-42DF-BF14-BDCA12EC5634/112993/KALAMLELSHABAB.pdf

    "Kalam le-l-Shabab"
    The Italian Cultural Institute, in the framework of the project co-funded by
    the European Union "KALAM LE-L-SHABAB – Youth, Creativity and Poetry
    in Today's Egypt", in collaboration with the Association of Egyptian Poets
    The 1st
    call for participation to "Kalam le-l-Shabab" workshop, devoted to
    young Egyptian poets (16-25 years old). The candidate poet must submit via
    e-mail (workshop@kalamproject.org) a poem in Arabic of max 20 verses and,
    if possible, its translation into English (or Italian, French, German, Spanish).
    Among all the candidates an International jury will select 30 participants who
    will attend the workshops in one of the three target cities of the Project: Cairo,
    Alexandria or Luxor.

    The participants, who will receive a per diem for attending the workshops,
    must declare that their poem is unpublished and have not participated to
    other contests, and fill the attached form.
    The poets attending the workshop will participate to the Kalam le-l-Shabab
    Festival, and their works will be published in a multilingual anthology at the
    end of the Project. In order to allow also the university and high-school students to participate to the contest, the deadline of the call has been postponed to May 31st 2013.

    CALL FOR PARTECIPATION: http://www.iiccairo.esteri.it/NR/rdonlyres/3BB80B8F-BC1F-42DF-BF14-BDCA12EC5634/112993/KALAMLELSHABAB.pdf

    FORM: http://www.iiccairo.esteri.it/NR/rdonlyres/3BB80B8F-BC1F-42DF-BF14-BDCA12EC5634/112994/FORM.doc

    "Kalam le-l-Shabab"
    L'Istituto Italiano di Cultura, nell'ambito del progetto co-sponsorizzato
    dall'Unione Europea "KALAM LE-L-SHABAB – Youth, Creativity and
    Poetry in Today's Egypt", in collaborazione con l'Associazione dei Poeti
    il 1° Concorso di poesia "La parola ai giovani", riservato a giovani poeti
    egiziani che alla data di scadenza del presente bando non abbiano superato i
    25 anni d'età (16-25 anni). Tutti i poeti interessati dovranno far pervenire
    esclusicamente via e-mail all'indirizzo workshop@kalamproject.org un
    componimento poetico a tema libero in lingua araba che non superi i 20 versi.
    Tra tutti i poeti che avranno partecipato una giuria internazionale selezionerà
    i testi di 30 poeti che verranno invitati a partecipare ai workshop che si
    svolgeranno nelle tre città del progetto: Il Cairo, Alessandria o Luxor.
    I partecipanti, che riceveranno un per diem per partecipare ai workshop,
    devono dichiarare che i loro poemi sono inediti e non hanno partecipato ad
    altri concorsi, inviando il formulario allegato.
    I poeti partecipanti al workshop parteciperanno al Kalam le-l-Shabab
    Festival, e i loro componimenti saranno pubblicati in una antologia
    multilingue alla fine del progetto
    .Al fine di permettere anche agli studenti delle università e a quelli delle scuole secondarie di partecipare al concorso, si è deciso di posticipare i termini di presentazione delle poesie al 31 maggio 2013.

    CALL FOR PARTECIPATION: http://www.iiccairo.esteri.it/NR/rdonlyres/3BB80B8F-BC1F-42DF-BF14-BDCA12EC5634/112993/KALAMLELSHABAB.pdf
    FORM: http://www.iiccairo.esteri.it/NR/rdonlyres/3BB80B8F-BC1F-42DF-BF14-BDCA12EC5634/112994/FORM.doc

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